Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Depressing Top 10 List

Link of the day: 10 Mass Extinctions that Would Really Suck

Want more depressing? Iran is ready to build a nuke.

But on a better note, here are 10 Truly Bizarre Scientific Studies.


Ashlee said...

Yay! 10 superfreakingawesome ways to die! Funnn :]

I decided to go with blogger simply because of the convenience. But now I don't know what to name my blog. And I want it to be interesting and creative but that ain't happening yet...

Jon said...

It took me a few days to figure mine out. It was almost called Logomachy (defined, I think, as a war of words.) Defenestrate just has more awesomeness to it, despite the fact that I had to retitle the URL.

Ashlee said...

Mine's doneee
I kept choosing names of books I've never heard of but apparently still exist b/c I googled all of the names I thought of.
How do you friend people? I don't see a followers like for you on your blog....

Jon said...

It's fine if it is, coincidentally. Defenestrate always brings up the painting The Defenestration of Prague. Or something.

The followers thing, I didn't even realize existed until like two weeks ago when it just popped up.

Ashlee said...

Ohh, well I found it so don't worry. Follow mine! :D